Personal Logo

[email protected]

  • OS: Portfoli.OS v1.0.3 x64
  • Packages: 0
  • Terminal: Web
  • Terminal Font: Comic Sans MS
  • Shell: /bin/fish
  • Time: 00:00
  • WM: Browser
  • Resolution: 1920x1080

Hello There.

Thank you for using Portfoli.OS. This operating system is mainly used by the author to express his love for programming. Feel free to reach out to him:


My name is Lars Bloemers, I am an embedded software engineer from the Netherlands with a burning passion for IoT, robotics, machine learning, and embedded systems caused by a love for sci-fi media. If you want to learn more about me, my experiences or just want to have a fun discussion over coffee. You know how to contact me.

ls -l projects